Kiron's Helping Hand
Workplace Rescue

Workplaces need urgent attention for many reasons:

We totally respect the urgency of a situation and respond commensurately. 
It is important in these situations that we approach urgent change in a robust and methodical manner.  Regardless of the level of urgency, our objective will always be to produce a sustainable and self-sustaining work place.

We see change as the starting point, the end point and all the mid-points.  Change is a constant although the pace of the change may vary.  The optimal way of dealing with change is accepting it and changing your organizational mindset to embrace change as a daily living experience, even dramatic change.

The key concepts in our approach to mastering change are detailed below.  During an urgent workplace rescue, some of these processes may be reordered.

understanding the organization and its stakeholder environment before any ideas are expressed,

right thinking of all staff and stakeholders about change,

co-creating the future with the key stakeholders,

optimistic and optimific in creating a new and positive future for all stakeholders,

opportunistic to take full advantage of invigorating stagnant aspects of the organization,

training staff in competencies enabling the organization to harmoniously maximize productivity while staff can perform and enjoy their work functions and finally leading to an independent faculty of learning-to-learn. We begin with independence and strive for interdependence.

meaningful in changing the organization to be able to continually change itself.

We also understand that any outward changes will be as transient as the environment the organization has changed from. 'Permanenc'y can only be achieved with right thinking.

Spirited Thinking

Part of our right thinking is to open our minds to new ideas without prejudice.

The organization’s staff are always a good starting point for ideation. Other stakeholders, where appropriate, can be invited to participate. New ideas for moving forward and visions of the future can be sourced from other organizations, including competitors, academia, consultants, and wherever the process leads us. Kiron’s consultants and extensive range of associates can be also called into action.

The outcome of this creative process is a documented solution or vision for the future.

Implementation: Making our ideas work

The journey to date has been about team building, stakeholder involvement, and co-creation of a common vision for your workplace.  The next stage of the journey is re-creating the workplace with the new vision.

We can use the existing processes within your organization to facilitate the delivery of the new vision or we can introduce an internationally recognized project management methodology.  Good governance, communication and iterative quality management are the key words of this phase.

The journey does not end at the completion of the implementation phase.  Actually, it is only the beginning of a greater adventure: the organization learning to be self-evolving.

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